diff --git a/main.py b/main.py index dcc901b..7d3df55 100644 --- a/main.py +++ b/main.py @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ async def message_callback(room: nio.MatrixRoom, event: nio.RoomMessageText) -> with open(settings["emojis_path"], "w") as f: json.dump(emojis, f) # Replace the emoij with the respective file - new_body = new_body.replace(":" + emoji + ":" + ("" if not sizeset else f"{size}:"), f"\"{emoji}\"", 1) + new_body = new_body.replace(":" + emoji + ":" + ("" if not sizeset else f"{size}:"), f"\"{emoji}\"", 1) # Text replace processor if event.body.count(";") > 1: for to_replace in text_replace.keys():