using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl { static class Declarations { // At least 16 attributes are guaranteed by the spec. public const int MaxAttributes = 16; public static void Declare(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { context.AppendLine("#version 430 core"); context.AppendLine("#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 : enable"); context.AppendLine("#extension GL_ARB_shader_ballot : enable"); context.AppendLine("#extension GL_ARB_shader_group_vote : enable"); context.AppendLine("#extension GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted : enable"); if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Compute) { context.AppendLine("#extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : enable"); } context.AppendLine("#pragma optionNV(fastmath off)"); context.AppendLine(); context.AppendLine($"const int {DefaultNames.UndefinedName} = 0;"); context.AppendLine(); if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry) { string inPrimitive = context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryPrimitiveTopology().ToGlslString(); context.AppendLine($"layout ({inPrimitive}) in;"); string outPrimitive = context.Config.OutputTopology.ToGlslString(); int maxOutputVertices = context.Config.MaxOutputVertices; context.AppendLine($"layout ({outPrimitive}, max_vertices = {maxOutputVertices}) out;"); context.AppendLine(); } if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Compute) { int localMemorySize = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryComputeLocalMemorySize(), 4); if (localMemorySize != 0) { string localMemorySizeStr = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(localMemorySize); context.AppendLine($"uint {DefaultNames.LocalMemoryName}[{localMemorySizeStr}];"); context.AppendLine(); } int sharedMemorySize = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryComputeSharedMemorySize(), 4); if (sharedMemorySize != 0) { string sharedMemorySizeStr = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(sharedMemorySize); context.AppendLine($"shared uint {DefaultNames.SharedMemoryName}[{sharedMemorySizeStr}];"); context.AppendLine(); } } else if (context.Config.LocalMemorySize != 0) { int localMemorySize = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(context.Config.LocalMemorySize, 4); string localMemorySizeStr = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(localMemorySize); context.AppendLine($"uint {DefaultNames.LocalMemoryName}[{localMemorySizeStr}];"); context.AppendLine(); } if (info.CBuffers.Count != 0) { DeclareUniforms(context, info); context.AppendLine(); } if (info.SBuffers.Count != 0) { DeclareStorages(context, info); context.AppendLine(); } if (info.Samplers.Count != 0) { DeclareSamplers(context, info); context.AppendLine(); } if (info.Images.Count != 0) { DeclareImages(context, info); context.AppendLine(); } if (context.Config.Stage != ShaderStage.Compute) { if (info.IAttributes.Count != 0) { DeclareInputAttributes(context, info); context.AppendLine(); } if (info.OAttributes.Count != 0 || context.Config.Stage != ShaderStage.Fragment) { DeclareOutputAttributes(context, info); context.AppendLine(); } } else { string localSizeX = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryComputeLocalSizeX()); string localSizeY = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryComputeLocalSizeY()); string localSizeZ = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryComputeLocalSizeZ()); context.AppendLine( "layout (" + $"local_size_x = {localSizeX}, " + $"local_size_y = {localSizeY}, " + $"local_size_z = {localSizeZ}) in;"); context.AppendLine(); } if ((info.HelperFunctionsMask & HelperFunctionsMask.MultiplyHighS32) != 0) { AppendHelperFunction(context, "Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/HelperFunctions/MultiplyHighS32.glsl"); } if ((info.HelperFunctionsMask & HelperFunctionsMask.MultiplyHighU32) != 0) { AppendHelperFunction(context, "Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/HelperFunctions/MultiplyHighU32.glsl"); } if ((info.HelperFunctionsMask & HelperFunctionsMask.Shuffle) != 0) { AppendHelperFunction(context, "Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/HelperFunctions/Shuffle.glsl"); } if ((info.HelperFunctionsMask & HelperFunctionsMask.ShuffleDown) != 0) { AppendHelperFunction(context, "Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/HelperFunctions/ShuffleDown.glsl"); } if ((info.HelperFunctionsMask & HelperFunctionsMask.ShuffleUp) != 0) { AppendHelperFunction(context, "Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/HelperFunctions/ShuffleUp.glsl"); } if ((info.HelperFunctionsMask & HelperFunctionsMask.ShuffleXor) != 0) { AppendHelperFunction(context, "Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/HelperFunctions/ShuffleXor.glsl"); } if ((info.HelperFunctionsMask & HelperFunctionsMask.SwizzleAdd) != 0) { AppendHelperFunction(context, "Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/HelperFunctions/SwizzleAdd.glsl"); } } public static void DeclareLocals(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { foreach (AstOperand decl in info.Locals) { string name = context.OperandManager.DeclareLocal(decl); context.AppendLine(GetVarTypeName(decl.VarType) + " " + name + ";"); } } private static string GetVarTypeName(VariableType type) { switch (type) { case VariableType.Bool: return "bool"; case VariableType.F32: return "precise float"; case VariableType.F64: return "double"; case VariableType.S32: return "int"; case VariableType.U32: return "uint"; } throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid variable type \"{type}\"."); } private static void DeclareUniforms(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { foreach (int cbufSlot in info.CBuffers.OrderBy(x => x)) { string ubName = OperandManager.GetShaderStagePrefix(context.Config.Stage); ubName += "_" + DefaultNames.UniformNamePrefix + cbufSlot; context.CBufferDescriptors.Add(new BufferDescriptor(ubName, cbufSlot)); context.AppendLine("layout (std140) uniform " + ubName); context.EnterScope(); string ubSize = "[" + NumberFormatter.FormatInt(Constants.ConstantBufferSize / 16) + "]"; context.AppendLine("vec4 " + OperandManager.GetUbName(context.Config.Stage, cbufSlot) + ubSize + ";"); context.LeaveScope(";"); } } private static void DeclareStorages(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { string sbName = OperandManager.GetShaderStagePrefix(context.Config.Stage); sbName += "_" + DefaultNames.StorageNamePrefix; string blockName = $"{sbName}_{DefaultNames.BlockSuffix}"; int maxSlot = 0; foreach (int sbufSlot in info.SBuffers) { context.SBufferDescriptors.Add(new BufferDescriptor($"{blockName}[{sbufSlot}]", sbufSlot)); if (maxSlot < sbufSlot) { maxSlot = sbufSlot; } } context.AppendLine("layout (std430) buffer " + blockName); context.EnterScope(); context.AppendLine("uint " + DefaultNames.DataName + "[];"); string arraySize = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(maxSlot + 1); context.LeaveScope($" {sbName}[{arraySize}];"); } private static void DeclareSamplers(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { Dictionary samplers = new Dictionary(); // Texture instructions other than TextureSample (like TextureSize) // may have incomplete sampler type information. In those cases, // we prefer instead the more accurate information from the // TextureSample instruction, if both are available. foreach (AstTextureOperation texOp in info.Samplers.OrderBy(x => x.Handle * 2 + (x.Inst == Instruction.TextureSample ? 0 : 1))) { string indexExpr = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(texOp.ArraySize); string samplerName = OperandManager.GetSamplerName(context.Config.Stage, texOp, indexExpr); if (!samplers.TryAdd(samplerName, texOp)) { continue; } string samplerTypeName = GetSamplerTypeName(texOp.Type); context.AppendLine("uniform " + samplerTypeName + " " + samplerName + ";"); } foreach (KeyValuePair kv in samplers) { string samplerName = kv.Key; AstTextureOperation texOp = kv.Value; TextureDescriptor desc; if ((texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) != 0) { AstOperand operand = texOp.GetSource(0) as AstOperand; desc = new TextureDescriptor(samplerName, texOp.Type, operand.CbufSlot, operand.CbufOffset); context.TextureDescriptors.Add(desc); } else if ((texOp.Type & SamplerType.Indexed) != 0) { for (int index = 0; index < texOp.ArraySize; index++) { string indexExpr = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(index); string indexedSamplerName = OperandManager.GetSamplerName(context.Config.Stage, texOp, indexExpr); desc = new TextureDescriptor(indexedSamplerName, texOp.Type, texOp.Handle + index * 2); context.TextureDescriptors.Add(desc); } } else { desc = new TextureDescriptor(samplerName, texOp.Type, texOp.Handle); context.TextureDescriptors.Add(desc); } } } private static void DeclareImages(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { Dictionary images = new Dictionary(); foreach (AstTextureOperation texOp in info.Images.OrderBy(x => x.Handle)) { string indexExpr = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(texOp.ArraySize); string imageName = OperandManager.GetImageName(context.Config.Stage, texOp, indexExpr); if (!images.TryAdd(imageName, texOp)) { continue; } string layout = texOp.Format.ToGlslFormat(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layout)) { layout = "layout(" + layout + ") "; } string imageTypeName = GetImageTypeName(texOp.Type, texOp.Format.GetComponentType()); context.AppendLine("uniform " + layout + imageTypeName + " " + imageName + ";"); } foreach (KeyValuePair kv in images) { string imageName = kv.Key; AstTextureOperation texOp = kv.Value; if ((texOp.Type & SamplerType.Indexed) != 0) { for (int index = 0; index < texOp.ArraySize; index++) { string indexExpr = NumberFormatter.FormatInt(index); string indexedSamplerName = OperandManager.GetSamplerName(context.Config.Stage, texOp, indexExpr); var desc = new TextureDescriptor(indexedSamplerName, texOp.Type, texOp.Handle + index * 2); context.TextureDescriptors.Add(desc); } } else { var desc = new TextureDescriptor(imageName, texOp.Type, texOp.Handle); context.ImageDescriptors.Add(desc); } } } private static void DeclareInputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { string suffix = context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry ? "[]" : string.Empty; foreach (int attr in info.IAttributes.OrderBy(x => x)) { string iq = string.Empty; if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment) { iq = context.Config.ImapTypes[attr].GetFirstUsedType() switch { PixelImap.Constant => "flat ", PixelImap.ScreenLinear => "noperspective ", _ => string.Empty }; } context.AppendLine($"layout (location = {attr}) {iq}in vec4 {DefaultNames.IAttributePrefix}{attr}{suffix};"); } } private static void DeclareOutputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment) { DeclareUsedOutputAttributes(context, info); } else { DeclareAllOutputAttributes(context, info); } } private static void DeclareUsedOutputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { foreach (int attr in info.OAttributes.OrderBy(x => x)) { context.AppendLine($"layout (location = {attr}) out vec4 {DefaultNames.OAttributePrefix}{attr};"); } } private static void DeclareAllOutputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info) { for (int attr = 0; attr < MaxAttributes; attr++) { context.AppendLine($"layout (location = {attr}) out vec4 {DefaultNames.OAttributePrefix}{attr};"); } foreach (int attr in info.OAttributes.OrderBy(x => x).Where(x => x >= MaxAttributes)) { context.AppendLine($"layout (location = {attr}) out vec4 {DefaultNames.OAttributePrefix}{attr};"); } } private static void AppendHelperFunction(CodeGenContext context, string filename) { string code = EmbeddedResources.ReadAllText(filename); context.AppendLine(code.Replace("\t", CodeGenContext.Tab)); context.AppendLine(); } private static string GetSamplerTypeName(SamplerType type) { string typeName; switch (type & SamplerType.Mask) { case SamplerType.Texture1D: typeName = "sampler1D"; break; case SamplerType.TextureBuffer: typeName = "samplerBuffer"; break; case SamplerType.Texture2D: typeName = "sampler2D"; break; case SamplerType.Texture3D: typeName = "sampler3D"; break; case SamplerType.TextureCube: typeName = "samplerCube"; break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid sampler type \"{type}\"."); } if ((type & SamplerType.Multisample) != 0) { typeName += "MS"; } if ((type & SamplerType.Array) != 0) { typeName += "Array"; } if ((type & SamplerType.Shadow) != 0) { typeName += "Shadow"; } return typeName; } private static string GetImageTypeName(SamplerType type, VariableType componentType) { string typeName; switch (type & SamplerType.Mask) { case SamplerType.Texture1D: typeName = "image1D"; break; case SamplerType.TextureBuffer: typeName = "imageBuffer"; break; case SamplerType.Texture2D: typeName = "image2D"; break; case SamplerType.Texture3D: typeName = "image3D"; break; case SamplerType.TextureCube: typeName = "imageCube"; break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid sampler type \"{type}\"."); } if ((type & SamplerType.Multisample) != 0) { typeName += "MS"; } if ((type & SamplerType.Array) != 0) { typeName += "Array"; } switch (componentType) { case VariableType.U32: typeName = 'u' + typeName; break; case VariableType.S32: typeName = 'i' + typeName; break; } return typeName; } } }