using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.OpenGL { class OglShader : IGalShader { public const int ReservedCbufCount = 1; private const int ExtraDataSize = 4; public OglShaderProgram Current; private ConcurrentDictionary<long, OglShaderStage> _stages; private Dictionary<OglShaderProgram, int> _programs; public int CurrentProgramHandle { get; private set; } private OglConstBuffer _buffer; private int _extraUboHandle; public OglShader(OglConstBuffer buffer) { _buffer = buffer; _stages = new ConcurrentDictionary<long, OglShaderStage>(); _programs = new Dictionary<OglShaderProgram, int>(); } public void Create(IGalMemory memory, long key, GalShaderType type) { _stages.GetOrAdd(key, (stage) => ShaderStageFactory(memory, key, 0, false, type)); } public void Create(IGalMemory memory, long vpAPos, long key, GalShaderType type) { _stages.GetOrAdd(key, (stage) => ShaderStageFactory(memory, vpAPos, key, true, type)); } private OglShaderStage ShaderStageFactory( IGalMemory memory, long position, long positionB, bool isDualVp, GalShaderType type) { ShaderConfig config = new ShaderConfig(type, OglLimit.MaxUboSize); ShaderProgram program; if (isDualVp) { ShaderDumper.Dump(memory, position, type, "a"); ShaderDumper.Dump(memory, positionB, type, "b"); program = Translator.Translate(memory, (ulong)position, (ulong)positionB, config); } else { ShaderDumper.Dump(memory, position, type); program = Translator.Translate(memory, (ulong)position, config); } string code = program.Code; if (ShaderDumper.IsDumpEnabled()) { int shaderDumpIndex = ShaderDumper.DumpIndex; code = "//Shader " + shaderDumpIndex + Environment.NewLine + code; } return new OglShaderStage(type, code, program.Info.CBuffers, program.Info.Textures); } public IEnumerable<CBufferDescriptor> GetConstBufferUsage(long key) { if (_stages.TryGetValue(key, out OglShaderStage stage)) { return stage.ConstBufferUsage; } return Enumerable.Empty<CBufferDescriptor>(); } public IEnumerable<TextureDescriptor> GetTextureUsage(long key) { if (_stages.TryGetValue(key, out OglShaderStage stage)) { return stage.TextureUsage; } return Enumerable.Empty<TextureDescriptor>(); } public unsafe void SetExtraData(float flipX, float flipY, int instance) { BindProgram(); EnsureExtraBlock(); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, _extraUboHandle); float* data = stackalloc float[ExtraDataSize]; data[0] = flipX; data[1] = flipY; data[2] = BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle(instance); // Invalidate buffer GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, ExtraDataSize * sizeof(float), IntPtr.Zero, BufferUsageHint.StreamDraw); GL.BufferSubData(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, IntPtr.Zero, ExtraDataSize * sizeof(float), (IntPtr)data); } public void Bind(long key) { if (_stages.TryGetValue(key, out OglShaderStage stage)) { Bind(stage); } } private void Bind(OglShaderStage stage) { switch (stage.Type) { case GalShaderType.Vertex: Current.Vertex = stage; break; case GalShaderType.TessControl: Current.TessControl = stage; break; case GalShaderType.TessEvaluation: Current.TessEvaluation = stage; break; case GalShaderType.Geometry: Current.Geometry = stage; break; case GalShaderType.Fragment: Current.Fragment = stage; break; } } public void Unbind(GalShaderType type) { switch (type) { case GalShaderType.Vertex: Current.Vertex = null; break; case GalShaderType.TessControl: Current.TessControl = null; break; case GalShaderType.TessEvaluation: Current.TessEvaluation = null; break; case GalShaderType.Geometry: Current.Geometry = null; break; case GalShaderType.Fragment: Current.Fragment = null; break; } } public void BindProgram() { if (Current.Vertex == null || Current.Fragment == null) { return; } if (!_programs.TryGetValue(Current, out int handle)) { handle = GL.CreateProgram(); AttachIfNotNull(handle, Current.Vertex); AttachIfNotNull(handle, Current.TessControl); AttachIfNotNull(handle, Current.TessEvaluation); AttachIfNotNull(handle, Current.Geometry); AttachIfNotNull(handle, Current.Fragment); GL.LinkProgram(handle); CheckProgramLink(handle); BindUniformBlocks(handle); BindTextureLocations(handle); _programs.Add(Current, handle); } GL.UseProgram(handle); CurrentProgramHandle = handle; } private void EnsureExtraBlock() { if (_extraUboHandle == 0) { _extraUboHandle = GL.GenBuffer(); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, _extraUboHandle); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, ExtraDataSize * sizeof(float), IntPtr.Zero, BufferUsageHint.StreamDraw); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.UniformBuffer, 0, _extraUboHandle); } } private void AttachIfNotNull(int programHandle, OglShaderStage stage) { if (stage != null) { stage.Compile(); GL.AttachShader(programHandle, stage.Handle); } } private void BindUniformBlocks(int programHandle) { int extraBlockindex = GL.GetUniformBlockIndex(programHandle, "Extra"); GL.UniformBlockBinding(programHandle, extraBlockindex, 0); int freeBinding = ReservedCbufCount; void BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(OglShaderStage stage) { if (stage != null) { foreach (CBufferDescriptor desc in stage.ConstBufferUsage) { int blockIndex = GL.GetUniformBlockIndex(programHandle, desc.Name); if (blockIndex < 0) { // This may be fine, the compiler may optimize away unused uniform buffers, // and in this case the above call would return -1 as the buffer has been // optimized away. continue; } GL.UniformBlockBinding(programHandle, blockIndex, freeBinding); freeBinding++; } } } BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Current.Vertex); BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Current.TessControl); BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Current.TessEvaluation); BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Current.Geometry); BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Current.Fragment); } private void BindTextureLocations(int programHandle) { int index = 0; void BindTexturesIfNotNull(OglShaderStage stage) { if (stage != null) { foreach (TextureDescriptor desc in stage.TextureUsage) { int location = GL.GetUniformLocation(programHandle, desc.Name); GL.Uniform1(location, index); index++; } } } GL.UseProgram(programHandle); BindTexturesIfNotNull(Current.Vertex); BindTexturesIfNotNull(Current.TessControl); BindTexturesIfNotNull(Current.TessEvaluation); BindTexturesIfNotNull(Current.Geometry); BindTexturesIfNotNull(Current.Fragment); } private static void CheckProgramLink(int handle) { int status = 0; GL.GetProgram(handle, GetProgramParameterName.LinkStatus, out status); if (status == 0) { throw new ShaderException(GL.GetProgramInfoLog(handle)); } } } }