using OpenTK.Audio; using OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; namespace Ryujinx.Audio.OpenAL { public class OpenALAudioOut : IAalOutput, IDisposable { private const int MaxTracks = 256; private const int MaxReleased = 32; private AudioContext Context; private class Track : IDisposable { public int SourceId { get; private set; } public int SampleRate { get; private set; } public ALFormat Format { get; private set; } private ReleaseCallback Callback; public PlaybackState State { get; set; } private ConcurrentDictionary<long, int> Buffers; private Queue<long> QueuedTagsQueue; private Queue<long> ReleasedTagsQueue; private bool Disposed; public Track(int SampleRate, ALFormat Format, ReleaseCallback Callback) { this.SampleRate = SampleRate; this.Format = Format; this.Callback = Callback; State = PlaybackState.Stopped; SourceId = AL.GenSource(); Buffers = new ConcurrentDictionary<long, int>(); QueuedTagsQueue = new Queue<long>(); ReleasedTagsQueue = new Queue<long>(); } public bool ContainsBuffer(long Tag) { foreach (long QueuedTag in QueuedTagsQueue) { if (QueuedTag == Tag) { return true; } } return false; } public long[] GetReleasedBuffers(int Count) { AL.GetSource(SourceId, ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed, out int ReleasedCount); ReleasedCount += ReleasedTagsQueue.Count; if (Count > ReleasedCount) { Count = ReleasedCount; } List<long> Tags = new List<long>(); while (Count-- > 0 && ReleasedTagsQueue.TryDequeue(out long Tag)) { Tags.Add(Tag); } while (Count-- > 0 && QueuedTagsQueue.TryDequeue(out long Tag)) { AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers(SourceId, 1); Tags.Add(Tag); } return Tags.ToArray(); } public int AppendBuffer(long Tag) { if (Disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(Track)); } int Id = AL.GenBuffer(); Buffers.AddOrUpdate(Tag, Id, (Key, OldId) => { AL.DeleteBuffer(OldId); return Id; }); QueuedTagsQueue.Enqueue(Tag); return Id; } public void CallReleaseCallbackIfNeeded() { AL.GetSource(SourceId, ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed, out int ReleasedCount); if (ReleasedCount > 0) { //If we signal, then we also need to have released buffers available //to return when GetReleasedBuffers is called. //If playback needs to be re-started due to all buffers being processed, //then OpenAL zeros the counts (ReleasedCount), so we keep it on the queue. while (ReleasedCount-- > 0 && QueuedTagsQueue.TryDequeue(out long Tag)) { AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers(SourceId, 1); ReleasedTagsQueue.Enqueue(Tag); } Callback(); } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing) { if (Disposing && !Disposed) { Disposed = true; AL.DeleteSource(SourceId); foreach (int Id in Buffers.Values) { AL.DeleteBuffer(Id); } } } } private ConcurrentDictionary<int, Track> Tracks; private Thread AudioPollerThread; private bool KeepPolling; public OpenALAudioOut() { Context = new AudioContext(); Tracks = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Track>(); KeepPolling = true; AudioPollerThread = new Thread(AudioPollerWork); AudioPollerThread.Start(); } private void AudioPollerWork() { do { foreach (Track Td in Tracks.Values) { Td.CallReleaseCallbackIfNeeded(); } //If it's not slept it will waste cycles. Thread.Sleep(10); } while (KeepPolling); foreach (Track Td in Tracks.Values) { Td.Dispose(); } Tracks.Clear(); } public int OpenTrack(int SampleRate, int Channels, ReleaseCallback Callback) { Track Td = new Track(SampleRate, GetALFormat(Channels), Callback); for (int Id = 0; Id < MaxTracks; Id++) { if (Tracks.TryAdd(Id, Td)) { return Id; } } return -1; } private ALFormat GetALFormat(int Channels) { switch (Channels) { case 1: return ALFormat.Mono16; case 2: return ALFormat.Stereo16; case 6: return ALFormat.Multi51Chn16Ext; } throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Channels)); } public void CloseTrack(int Track) { if (Tracks.TryRemove(Track, out Track Td)) { lock (Td) { Td.Dispose(); } } } public bool ContainsBuffer(int Track, long Tag) { if (Tracks.TryGetValue(Track, out Track Td)) { lock (Td) { return Td.ContainsBuffer(Tag); } } return false; } public long[] GetReleasedBuffers(int Track, int MaxCount) { if (Tracks.TryGetValue(Track, out Track Td)) { lock (Td) { return Td.GetReleasedBuffers(MaxCount); } } return null; } public void AppendBuffer<T>(int Track, long Tag, T[] Buffer) where T : struct { if (Tracks.TryGetValue(Track, out Track Td)) { lock (Td) { int BufferId = Td.AppendBuffer(Tag); int Size = Buffer.Length * Marshal.SizeOf<T>(); AL.BufferData<T>(BufferId, Td.Format, Buffer, Size, Td.SampleRate); AL.SourceQueueBuffer(Td.SourceId, BufferId); StartPlaybackIfNeeded(Td); } } } public void Start(int Track) { if (Tracks.TryGetValue(Track, out Track Td)) { lock (Td) { Td.State = PlaybackState.Playing; StartPlaybackIfNeeded(Td); } } } private void StartPlaybackIfNeeded(Track Td) { AL.GetSource(Td.SourceId, ALGetSourcei.SourceState, out int StateInt); ALSourceState State = (ALSourceState)StateInt; if (State != ALSourceState.Playing && Td.State == PlaybackState.Playing) { AL.SourcePlay(Td.SourceId); } } public void Stop(int Track) { if (Tracks.TryGetValue(Track, out Track Td)) { lock (Td) { Td.State = PlaybackState.Stopped; AL.SourceStop(Td.SourceId); } } } public PlaybackState GetState(int Track) { if (Tracks.TryGetValue(Track, out Track Td)) { return Td.State; } return PlaybackState.Stopped; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing) { if (Disposing) { KeepPolling = false; } } } }