  // Enable profiling (Only available on a profiling enabled builds)
  "enabled": true,

  // Set profile file dump location, if blank file dumping disabled. (e.g. `ProfileDump.csv`)
  "dump_path": "",

  // Update rate for profiler UI, in hertz. -1 updates every time a frame is issued
  "update_rate": 4.0,

  // Set how long to keep profiling data in seconds, reduce if profiling is taking too much RAM
  "history": 5.0,

  // Set the maximum profiling level. Higher values may cause a heavy load on your system but will allow you to profile in more detail
  "max_level": 0,

  // Sets the maximum number of flags to keep
  "max_flags": 1000, 

  // Keyboard Controls
  // https://github.com/opentk/opentk/blob/master/src/OpenTK/Input/Key.cs
  "controls": {
    "buttons": {
      // Show/Hide the profiler
      "toggle_profiler": "F2"