using ARMeilleure.Decoders; using ARMeilleure.Diagnostics; using ARMeilleure.Instructions; using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation; using ARMeilleure.Memory; using ARMeilleure.State; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Threading; using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper; namespace ARMeilleure.Translation { public class Translator : ITranslator { private const ulong CallFlag = InstEmitFlowHelper.CallFlag; private MemoryManager _memory; private ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, TranslatedFunction> _funcs; private PriorityQueue<ulong> _backgroundQueue; private AutoResetEvent _backgroundTranslatorEvent; private volatile int _threadCount; public Translator(MemoryManager memory) { _memory = memory; _funcs = new ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, TranslatedFunction>(); _backgroundQueue = new PriorityQueue<ulong>(2); _backgroundTranslatorEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); } private void TranslateQueuedSubs() { while (_threadCount != 0) { if (_backgroundQueue.TryDequeue(out ulong address)) { TranslatedFunction func = Translate(address, ExecutionMode.Aarch64, highCq: true); _funcs.AddOrUpdate(address, func, (key, oldFunc) => func); } else { _backgroundTranslatorEvent.WaitOne(); } } } public void Execute(IExecutionContext ctx, ulong address) { State.ExecutionContext context = (State.ExecutionContext)ctx; if (Interlocked.Increment(ref _threadCount) == 1) { Thread backgroundTranslatorThread = new Thread(TranslateQueuedSubs); backgroundTranslatorThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest; backgroundTranslatorThread.Start(); } Statistics.InitializeTimer(); NativeInterface.RegisterThread(context, _memory); do { address = ExecuteSingle(context, address); } while (context.Running && (address & ~1UL) != 0); NativeInterface.UnregisterThread(); if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref _threadCount) == 0) { _backgroundTranslatorEvent.Set(); } } public ulong ExecuteSingle(State.ExecutionContext context, ulong address) { TranslatedFunction func = GetOrTranslate(address, context.ExecutionMode); Statistics.StartTimer(); ulong nextAddr = func.Execute(context); Statistics.StopTimer(address); return nextAddr; } private TranslatedFunction GetOrTranslate(ulong address, ExecutionMode mode) { // TODO: Investigate how we should handle code at unaligned addresses. // Currently, those low bits are used to store special flags. bool isCallTarget = (address & CallFlag) != 0; address &= ~CallFlag; if (!_funcs.TryGetValue(address, out TranslatedFunction func)) { func = Translate(address, mode, highCq: false); _funcs.TryAdd(address, func); } else if (isCallTarget && func.ShouldRejit()) { _backgroundQueue.Enqueue(0, address); _backgroundTranslatorEvent.Set(); } return func; } private TranslatedFunction Translate(ulong address, ExecutionMode mode, bool highCq) { ArmEmitterContext context = new ArmEmitterContext(_memory, Aarch32Mode.User); Logger.StartPass(PassName.Decoding); Block[] blocks = highCq ? Decoder.DecodeFunction (_memory, address, mode) : Decoder.DecodeBasicBlock(_memory, address, mode); Logger.EndPass(PassName.Decoding); Logger.StartPass(PassName.Translation); EmitSynchronization(context); if (blocks[0].Address != address) { context.Branch(context.GetLabel(address)); } ControlFlowGraph cfg = EmitAndGetCFG(context, blocks); Logger.EndPass(PassName.Translation); Logger.StartPass(PassName.RegisterUsage); RegisterUsage.RunPass(cfg, isCompleteFunction: false); Logger.EndPass(PassName.RegisterUsage); OperandType[] argTypes = new OperandType[] { OperandType.I64 }; CompilerOptions options = highCq ? CompilerOptions.HighCq : CompilerOptions.None; GuestFunction func = Compiler.Compile<GuestFunction>(cfg, argTypes, OperandType.I64, options); return new TranslatedFunction(func, rejit: !highCq); } private static ControlFlowGraph EmitAndGetCFG(ArmEmitterContext context, Block[] blocks) { for (int blkIndex = 0; blkIndex < blocks.Length; blkIndex++) { Block block = blocks[blkIndex]; context.CurrBlock = block; context.MarkLabel(context.GetLabel(block.Address)); for (int opcIndex = 0; opcIndex < block.OpCodes.Count; opcIndex++) { OpCode opCode = block.OpCodes[opcIndex]; context.CurrOp = opCode; bool isLastOp = opcIndex == block.OpCodes.Count - 1; if (isLastOp && block.Branch != null && block.Branch.Address <= block.Address) { EmitSynchronization(context); } Operand lblPredicateSkip = null; if (opCode is OpCode32 op && op.Cond < Condition.Al) { lblPredicateSkip = Label(); InstEmitFlowHelper.EmitCondBranch(context, lblPredicateSkip, op.Cond.Invert()); } if (opCode.Instruction.Emitter != null) { opCode.Instruction.Emitter(context); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid instruction \"{opCode.Instruction.Name}\"."); } if (lblPredicateSkip != null) { context.MarkLabel(lblPredicateSkip); // If this is the last op on the block, and there's no "next" block // after this one, then we have to return right now, with the address // of the next instruction to be executed (in the case that the condition // is false, and the branch was not taken, as all basic blocks should end // with some kind of branch). if (isLastOp && block.Next == null) { context.Return(Const(opCode.Address + (ulong)opCode.OpCodeSizeInBytes)); } } } } return context.GetControlFlowGraph(); } private static void EmitSynchronization(EmitterContext context) { long countOffs = NativeContext.GetCounterOffset(); Operand countAddr = context.Add(context.LoadArgument(OperandType.I64, 0), Const(countOffs)); Operand count = context.Load(OperandType.I32, countAddr); Operand lblNonZero = Label(); Operand lblExit = Label(); context.BranchIfTrue(lblNonZero, count); context.Call(new _Void(NativeInterface.CheckSynchronization)); context.Branch(lblExit); context.MarkLabel(lblNonZero); count = context.Subtract(count, Const(1)); context.Store(countAddr, count); context.MarkLabel(lblExit); } } }