# Haier hOn [![hacs_badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/HACS-Default-41BDF5.svg)](https://hacs.xyz) [![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/Andre0512/hon?color=green)](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon/releases/latest) [![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pyhon?label=pyhOn)](https://github.com/Andre0512/pyhOn) [![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/Andre0512/hon?color=red)](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon/blob/main/LICENSE) [![GitHub all releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/Andre0512/hon/total?color=blue)](https://tooomm.github.io/github-release-stats/?username=Andre0512&repository=hon) Home Assistant integration for [Haier's mobile app hOn](https://hon-smarthome.com/) based on [pyhOn](https://github.com/Andre0512/pyhon). ## Supported Appliances - [Washing Machine](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#washing-machine) - [Tumble Dryer](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#tumble-dryer) - [Washer Dryer](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#washer-dryer) - [Oven](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#oven) - [Dish Washer](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#dish-washer) - [Air conditioner](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#air-conditioner) - [Fridge](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#fridge) - [Induction Hob](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#induction-hob) [BETA] - [Hood](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#hood) [BETA] - [Wine Cellar](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#wine-cellar) [BETA] - [Air Purifier](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#air-purifier) [BETA] ## Installation **Method 1:** [![Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.](https://my.home-assistant.io/badges/hacs_repository.svg)](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/hacs_repository/?owner=Andre0512&repository=hon&category=integration) **Method 2:** [HACS](https://hacs.xyz/) > Integrations > Add Integration > **Haier hOn** > Install **Method 3:** Manually copy `hon` folder from [latest release](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon/releases/latest) to `config/custom_components` folder. _Restart Home Assistant_ ## Configuration **Method 1**: [![Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.](https://my.home-assistant.io/badges/config_flow_start.svg)](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/config_flow_start/?domain=hon) **Method 2**: Settings > Devices & Services > Add Integration > **Haier hOn** _If the integration is not in the list, you need to clear the browser cache._ ## Supported Models Support has been confirmed for these models, but many more will work. Please add already supported devices [with this form to complete the list](https://forms.gle/bTSD8qFotdZFytbf8). | | **Haier** | **Hoover** | **Candy** | |---------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **Washing Machine** | HW90-B14TEAM5
HW100-B14959U1 | H-WASH 500
H7W4 48MBC-S
HW 410AMBCB/1-80 | CO4 107T1/2-07
RO44 1286DWMC4-07
HW 68AMC/1-80
HWPD 69AMBC/1-S | | **Tumble Dryer** | HD80-A3959 | H-DRY 500
ROE H9A3TCEX-S | | **Washer Dryer** | HWD100-B14979 | HWPS4954DAMR-11 | RPW41066BWMR/1-S | | **Oven** | HWO60SM2F3XH | HSOT3161WG | | | **Dish Washer** | XIB 3B2SFS-80
XIB 6B2D3FB | HFB 6B2S3FX | | | **Air Conditioner** | AD105S2SM3FA
AS35TAMHRA-C | | | | **Fridge** | HFW7720ENMB | | CCE4T620EWU | | **Hob** | HA2MTSJ68MC | | CIS633SCTTWIFI | | **Hood** | HADG6DS46BWIFI | | | | **Wine Cellar** | HWS247FDU1 | | | | Please add your appliances data to our [hon-test-data collection](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon-test-data).
This helps us to develop new features and not to break compatibility in newer versions. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ## Supported Languages Translation of internal names like programs are available for all languages which are official supported by the hOn app: * 🇨🇳 Chinese * 🇭🇷 Croatian * 🇨🇿 Czech * 🇳🇱 Dutch * 🇬🇧 English * 🇫🇷 French * 🇩🇪 German * 🇬🇷 Greek * 🇮🇱 Hebrew * 🇮🇹 Italian * 🇵🇱 Polish * 🇵🇹 Portuguese * 🇷🇴 Romanian * 🇷🇺 Russian * 🇷🇸 Serbian * 🇸🇰 Slovak * 🇸🇮 Slovenian * 🇪🇸 Spanish * 🇹🇷 Turkish ## Examples ### Washing Machine ![washing_machine.png](assets/washing_machine.png) ## Contribute Any kind of contribution is welcome! ### Read out device data If you want to make a request for adding new appliances or additional attributes and don't want to use the command line, here is how you can read out your device data. For every device exists a button under diagnostics which can be used to log all info of your appliance. 1. Press the button to create a notification 2. Open home assistant notifications and copy the message (Crtl+A, Ctrl+C) ### Add appliances or additional attributes 1. Install [pyhOn](https://github.com/Andre0512/pyhOn) ```commandline $ pip install pyhOn ``` 2. Use the command line tool to read out all appliance data from your account ```commandline $ pyhOn User for hOn account: user.name@example.com Password for hOn account: ******** ========== WM - Washing Machine ========== commands: pauseProgram: pauseProgram command resumeProgram: resumeProgram command startProgram: startProgram command stopProgram: stopProgram command data: actualWeight: 0 airWashTempLevel: 0 airWashTime: 0 antiAllergyStatus: 0 ... ``` 3. Fork this repository and clone it to your local machine 4. Add the keys of the attributes you'd like to have as `EntityDescription` into this Repository _Example: Add pause button_ ```python BUTTONS: dict[str, tuple[ButtonEntityDescription, ...]] = { "WM": ( # WM is the applianceTypeName ButtonEntityDescription( key="pauseProgram", # key from pyhOn name="Pause Program", # name in home assistant icon="mdi:pause", # icon in home assistant ... ), ... ``` 5. Create a [pull request](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon/pulls) #### Tips and Tricks - If you want to have some states humanreadable, have a look at the `translation_key` parameter of the `EntityDescription`. - If you need to implement some more logic, create a pull request to the underlying library. There we collect special requirements in the `appliances` directory. - Use [pyhOn's translate command](https://github.com/Andre0512/pyhOn#translation) to read out the official translations ## Special Thanks - to [@alexandre-leites](https://github.com/alexandre-leites), [@MiguelAngelLV](https://github.com/MiguelAngelLV) and [@drudgebg](https://github.com/drudgebg) for contributing early to this project and adding new integrations. - to [gvigroux/hon](https://github.com/gvigroux/hon), [signalize/hon-app-research](https://github.com/signalize/hon-app-research) and [slegars56/hon](https://github.com/slegars56/hon) for inspiring me to do this integration and for doing pioneer work on the hOn api. - to everyone who contributed, created an issue, gave this repo a star, and used this integration. - to the patience of my girlfriend as I work on this integration. ## Appliance Features ### Air Conditioner #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 10° Heating | `heat-wave` | `switch` | `10degreeHeatingStatus` | | Air Conditioner | `air-conditioner` | `climate` | `settings` | | Echo | `account-voice` | `switch` | `echoStatus` | | Eco Mode | | `switch` | `ecoMode` | | Eco Pilot | `run` | `select` | `settings.humanSensingStatus` | | Health Mode | `medication-outline` | `switch` | `healthMode` | | Night Mode | `bed` | `switch` | `silentSleepStatus` | | Rapid Mode | `run-fast` | `switch` | `rapidMode` | | Screen Display | `monitor-small` | `switch` | `screenDisplayStatus` | | Self Cleaning | `air-filter` | `switch` | `selfCleaningStatus` | | Self Cleaning 56 | `air-filter` | `switch` | `selfCleaning56Status` | | Silent Mode | `volume-off` | `switch` | `muteStatus` | | Target Temperature | `thermometer` | `number` | `settings.tempSel` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Air Temperature Outdoor | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempAirOutdoor` | | Ch2O Cleaning | | `binary_sensor` | `ch2oCleaningStatus` | | Coiler Temperature Indoor | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempCoilerIndoor` | | Coiler Temperature Outside | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempCoilerOutdoor` | | Defrost Temperature Outdoor | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempDefrostOutdoor` | | Filter Replacement | | `binary_sensor` | `filterChangeStatusLocal` | | In Air Temperature Outdoor | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempInAirOutdoor` | | Indoor Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempIndoor` | | Machine Status | `information` | `sensor` | `machMode` | | Outdoor Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempOutdoor` | | Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` | | Program | `play` | `sensor` | `programName` | | Selected Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempSel` | ### Air Purifier #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Aroma Time Off | `thermometer` | `number` | `settings.aromaTimeOff` | | Aroma Time On | `thermometer` | `number` | `settings.aromaTimeOn` | | Diffuser Level | | `select` | `settings.aromaStatus` | | Light status | | `light` | `settings.lightStatus` | | Lock Status | | `switch` | `lockStatus` | | Mode | `run` | `select` | `settings.machMode` | | Pollen Level | | `number` | `settings.pollenLevel` | | Touch Tone | | `switch` | `touchToneStatus` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Air Quality | | `sensor` | `airQuality` | | CO Level | | `sensor` | `coLevel` | | Error | `math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` | | Humidity | | `sensor` | `humidityIndoor` | | Main Filter Status | | `sensor` | `mainFilterStatus` | | On | `power-cycle` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.parameters.onOffStatus` | | Pre Filter Status | | `sensor` | `preFilterStatus` | | Temperature | | `sensor` | `temp` | | Total Work Time | | `sensor` | `totalWorkTime` | | VOC | | `sensor` | `vocValueIndoor` | | Wind Speed | | `sensor` | `windSpeed` | | pm10 | | `sensor` | `pm10ValueIndoor` | | pm2p5 | | `sensor` | `pm2p5ValueIndoor` | ### Dish Washer #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Buzzer Disabled | `volume-off` | `switch` | `buzzerDisabled` | | Dish Washer | `dishwasher` | `switch` | `startProgram` / `stopProgram` | #### Configs | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Add Dish | `silverware-fork-knife` | `switch` | `startProgram.addDish` | | Delay time | `timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` | | Eco Express | `sprout` | `switch` | `startProgram.ecoExpress` | | Eco Index | `sprout` | `sensor` | `startProgram.ecoIndex` | | Energy Label | `lightning-bolt-circle` | `sensor` | `startProgram.energyLabel` | | Extra Dry | `hair-dryer` | `switch` | `startProgram.extraDry` | | Half Load | `fraction-one-half` | `switch` | `startProgram.halfLoad` | | Open Door | `door-open` | `switch` | `startProgram.openDoor` | | Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` | | Remaining Time | `timer` | `select` | `startProgram.remainingTime` | | Temperature | `thermometer` | `select` | `startProgram.temp` | | Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `startProgram.temp` | | Three in One | `numeric-3-box-outline` | `switch` | `startProgram.threeInOne` | | Time | `timer` | `sensor` | `startProgram.remainingTime` | | Water Efficiency | `water` | `sensor` | `startProgram.waterEfficiency` | | Water Saving | `water-percent` | `sensor` | `startProgram.waterSaving` | | Water hard | `water` | `number` | `startProgram.waterHard` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Connection | | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` | | Door | | `binary_sensor` | `doorStatus` | | Error | `math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` | | Machine Status | `information` | `sensor` | `machMode` | | Program | `play` | `sensor` | `programName` | | Program Phase | `washing-machine` | `sensor` | `prPhase` | | Remaining Time | `timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` | | Rinse Aid | `spray-bottle` | `binary_sensor` | `rinseAidStatus` | | Salt | `shaker-outline` | `binary_sensor` | `saltStatus` | ### Hood #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Start Program | `hvac` | `button` | `startProgram` | | Stop Program | `hvac-off` | `button` | `stopProgram` | | Wind Speed | | `fan` | `settings.windSpeed` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Delay time | `clock-start` | `sensor` | `delayTime` | | Delay time status | `clock-start` | `sensor` | `delayTimeStatus` | | Errors | `alert-circle` | `sensor` | `errors` | | Filter Cleaning Alarm Status | | `sensor` | `filterCleaningAlarmStatus` | | Filter Cleaning Status | | `sensor` | `filterCleaningStatus` | | Last Work Time | `clock-start` | `sensor` | `lastWorkTime` | | Light Status | `lightbulb` | `sensor` | `lightStatus` | | Light status | | `light` | `startProgram.lightStatus` | | Mach Mode | | `sensor` | `machMode` | | On / Off Status | `lightbulb` | `sensor` | `onOffStatus` | | Quick Delay Time Status | | `sensor` | `quickDelayTimeStatus` | | RGB Light Color | `lightbulb` | `sensor` | `rgbLightColors` | | RGB Light Status | `lightbulb` | `sensor` | `rgbLightStatus` | ### Induction Hob #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Start Program | `pot-steam` | `button` | `startProgram` | #### Configs | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Power Management | `timelapse` | `number` | `startProgram.powerManagement` | | Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` | | Temperature | `thermometer` | `number` | `startProgram.temp` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Connection | `wifi` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` | | Error | `math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` | | Hob Lock | | `binary_sensor` | `hobLockStatus` | | Hot Status | | `binary_sensor` | `hotStatus` | | On | `power-cycle` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.parameters.onOffStatus` | | Pan Status | `pot-mix` | `binary_sensor` | `panStatus` | | Power | `lightning-bolt` | `sensor` | `power` | | Program | `play` | `sensor` | `programName` | | Remaining Time | `timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` | | Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `temp` | ### Oven #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Oven | `toaster-oven` | `switch` | `startProgram` / `stopProgram` | | Oven | `thermometer` | `climate` | `settings.tempSel` | #### Configs | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Delay time | `timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` | | Preheat | `thermometer-chevron-up` | `switch` | `startProgram.preheatStatus` | | Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` | | Program Duration | `timelapse` | `number` | `startProgram.prTime` | | Target Temperature | `thermometer` | `number` | `startProgram.tempSel` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Connection | `wifi` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` | | On | `power-cycle` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.parameters.onOffStatus` | | Program | `play` | `sensor` | `programName` | | Remaining Time | `timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` | | Start Time | `clock-start` | `sensor` | `delayTime` | | Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `temp` | | Temperature Selected | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempSel` | ### Fridge #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Auto-Set Mode | `thermometer-auto` | `switch` | `intelligenceMode` | | Freezer | `snowflake-thermometer` | `climate` | `settings.tempSelZ2` | | Freezer Temperature | `thermometer` | `number` | `settings.tempSelZ2` | | Fridge | `thermometer` | `climate` | `settings.tempSelZ1` | | Fridge Temperature | `thermometer` | `number` | `settings.tempSelZ1` | | Holiday Mode | `palm-tree` | `switch` | `holidayMode` | | Program Start | `play` | `button` | `startProgram` | | Program Stop | `stop` | `button` | `stopProgram` | | Super Cool | `snowflake` | `switch` | `quickModeZ2` | | Super Freeze | `snowflake-variant` | `switch` | `quickModeZ1` | #### Configs | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` | | Zone | `radiobox-marked` | `select` | `startProgram.zone` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Auto-Set Mode | `thermometer-auto` | `binary_sensor` | `intelligenceMode` | | Door Status Freezer | `fridge-top` | `binary_sensor` | `doorStatusZ1` | | Door Status Fridge | `fridge-bottom` | `binary_sensor` | `door2StatusZ1` | | Error | `math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` | | Holiday Mode | `palm-tree` | `binary_sensor` | `holidayMode` | | Room Humidity | `water-percent` | `sensor` | `humidityEnv` | | Room Temperature | `home-thermometer-outline` | `sensor` | `tempEnv` | | Super Cool | `snowflake` | `binary_sensor` | `quickModeZ2` | | Super Freeze | `snowflake-variant` | `binary_sensor` | `quickModeZ1` | | Temperature Freezer | `snowflake-thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempZ2` | | Temperature Fridge | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempZ1` | ### Tumble Dryer #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Pause Tumble Dryer | `pause` | `switch` | `pauseProgram` / `resumeProgram` | | Tumble Dryer | `tumble-dryer` | `switch` | `startProgram` / `stopProgram` | #### Configs | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Anti-Crease | `timer` | `switch` | `startProgram.antiCreaseTime` | | Anti-Crease | `timer` | `switch` | `startProgram.anticrease` | | Delay time | `timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` | | Dry Time | | `number` | `startProgram.dryTime` | | Dry Time | `timer` | `select` | `startProgram.dryTimeMM` | | Dry level | `hair-dryer` | `select` | `startProgram.dryLevel` | | Energy Label | `lightning-bolt-circle` | `sensor` | `startProgram.energyLabel` | | Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` | | Steam Type | `weather-dust` | `sensor` | `steamType` | | Steam level | `smoke` | `sensor` | `startProgram.steamLevel` | | Sterilization | `clock-start` | `switch` | `startProgram.sterilizationStatus` | | Suggested Load | `weight-kilogram` | `sensor` | `startProgram.suggestedLoadD` | | Temperature level | `thermometer` | `number` | `startProgram.tempLevel` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Anti-Crease | | `binary_sensor` | `anticrease` | | Connection | | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` | | Door | | `binary_sensor` | `doorStatus` | | Dry level | `hair-dryer` | `sensor` | `dryLevel` | | Error | `math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` | | Machine Status | `information` | `sensor` | `machMode` | | Program | `play` | `sensor` | `programName` | | Program Phase | `washing-machine` | `sensor` | `prPhase` | | Remaining Time | `timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` | | Start Time | `clock-start` | `sensor` | `delayTime` | | Steam level | `smoke` | `sensor` | `steamLevel` | | Temperature level | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempLevel` | ### Wine Cellar #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Light | | `light` | `settings.lightStatus` | | Sabbath Mode | `palm-tree` | `switch` | `sabbathStatus` | | Wine Cellar | `thermometer` | `climate` | `settings.tempSel` | | Wine Cellar | `thermometer` | `climate` | `settings.tempSelZ2` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Error | `math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` | | Humidity | `water-percent` | `sensor` | `humidityZ1` | | Humidity 2 | `water-percent` | `sensor` | `humidityZ2` | | Program | `play` | `sensor` | `programName` | | Room Temperature | `home-thermometer-outline` | `sensor` | `tempEnv` | | Selected Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempSel` | | Selected Temperature 2 | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempSelZ2` | | Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `temp` | | Temperature 2 | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempZ2` | ### Washer Dryer #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Pause Washer Dryer | `pause` | `switch` | `pauseProgram` / `resumeProgram` | | Washer Dryer | `washing-machine` | `switch` | `startProgram` / `stopProgram` | #### Configs | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Acqua Plus | `water-plus` | `switch` | `startProgram.acquaplus` | | Anti-Crease | `timer` | `switch` | `startProgram.antiCreaseTime` | | Anti-Crease | `timer` | `switch` | `startProgram.anticrease` | | Auto Dose Detergent | `cup` | `switch` | `startProgram.autoDetergentStatus` | | Auto Dose Softener | `teddy-bear` | `switch` | `startProgram.autoSoftenerStatus` | | Delay Status | `timer-check` | `switch` | `startProgram.delayStatus` | | Delay Time | `timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` | | Dry Time | | `number` | `startProgram.dryTime` | | Dry Time | `timer` | `select` | `startProgram.dryTimeMM` | | Dry level | `hair-dryer` | `select` | `startProgram.dryLevel` | | Energy Label | `lightning-bolt-circle` | `sensor` | `startProgram.energyLabel` | | Extra Rinse 1 | `numeric-1-box-multiple-outline` | `switch` | `startProgram.extraRinse1` | | Extra Rinse 2 | `numeric-2-box-multiple-outline` | `switch` | `startProgram.extraRinse2` | | Extra Rinse 3 | `numeric-3-box-multiple-outline` | `switch` | `startProgram.extraRinse3` | | Good Night | `weather-night` | `switch` | `startProgram.goodNight` | | Keep Fresh | `refresh-circle` | `switch` | `startProgram.permanentPressStatus` | | Liquid Detergent Dose | `cup-water` | `sensor` | `startProgram.liquidDetergentDose` | | Main Wash Time | `clock-start` | `number` | `startProgram.mainWashTime` | | Powder Detergent Dose | `cup` | `sensor` | `startProgram.powderDetergentDose` | | Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` | | Remaining Time | `timer` | `sensor` | `startProgram.remainingTime` | | Rinse Iterations | `rotate-right` | `number` | `startProgram.rinseIterations` | | Soak Prewash Selection | `tshirt-crew` | `switch` | `startProgram.haier_SoakPrewashSelection` | | Spin speed | `numeric` | `select` | `startProgram.spinSpeed` | | Steam Level | `weather-dust` | `number` | `startProgram.steamLevel` | | Steam Type | `weather-dust` | `sensor` | `steamType` | | Steam level | `smoke` | `sensor` | `startProgram.steamLevel` | | Sterilization | `clock-start` | `switch` | `startProgram.sterilizationStatus` | | Suggested Load | `weight-kilogram` | `sensor` | `startProgram.suggestedLoadW` | | Suggested Load | `weight-kilogram` | `sensor` | `startProgram.suggestedLoadD` | | Suggested weight | `weight-kilogram` | `sensor` | `startProgram.weight` | | Temperature | `thermometer` | `select` | `startProgram.temp` | | Temperature level | `thermometer` | `number` | `startProgram.tempLevel` | | Water hard | `water` | `number` | `startProgram.waterHard` | | lang | | `number` | `startProgram.lang` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Acqua Plus | | `binary_sensor` | `acquaplus` | | Anti-Crease | | `binary_sensor` | `anticrease` | | Current Electricity Used | `lightning-bolt` | `sensor` | `currentElectricityUsed` | | Current Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `temp` | | Current Water Used | `water` | `sensor` | `currentWaterUsed` | | Dirt level | `liquid-spot` | `sensor` | `dirtyLevel` | | Door | | `binary_sensor` | `doorStatus` | | Door Lock | | `binary_sensor` | `doorLockStatus` | | Dry level | `hair-dryer` | `sensor` | `dryLevel` | | Error | `math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` | | Extra Rinse 1 | | `binary_sensor` | `extraRinse1` | | Extra Rinse 2 | | `binary_sensor` | `extraRinse2` | | Extra Rinse 3 | | `binary_sensor` | `extraRinse3` | | Good Night Mode | | `binary_sensor` | `goodNight` | | Machine Status | `information` | `sensor` | `machMode` | | Pre Wash | | `binary_sensor` | `startProgram.prewash` | | Program | `play` | `sensor` | `programName` | | Program Phase | `washing-machine` | `sensor` | `prPhase` | | Remaining Time | `timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` | | Remote Control | `remote` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` | | Spin Speed | `speedometer` | `sensor` | `spinSpeed` | | Start Time | `clock-start` | `sensor` | `delayTime` | | Steam level | `smoke` | `sensor` | `steamLevel` | | Temperature level | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempLevel` | | Total Power | | `sensor` | `totalElectricityUsed` | | Total Wash Cycle | `counter` | `sensor` | `totalWashCycle` | | Total Water | | `sensor` | `totalWaterUsed` | ### Washing Machine #### Controls | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Pause Washing Machine | `pause` | `switch` | `pauseProgram` / `resumeProgram` | | Washing Machine | `washing-machine` | `switch` | `startProgram` / `stopProgram` | #### Configs | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Acqua Plus | `water-plus` | `switch` | `startProgram.acquaplus` | | Auto Dose Detergent | `cup` | `switch` | `startProgram.autoDetergentStatus` | | Auto Dose Softener | `teddy-bear` | `switch` | `startProgram.autoSoftenerStatus` | | Delay Status | `timer-check` | `switch` | `startProgram.delayStatus` | | Delay Time | `timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` | | Energy Label | `lightning-bolt-circle` | `sensor` | `startProgram.energyLabel` | | Extra Rinse 1 | `numeric-1-box-multiple-outline` | `switch` | `startProgram.extraRinse1` | | Extra Rinse 2 | `numeric-2-box-multiple-outline` | `switch` | `startProgram.extraRinse2` | | Extra Rinse 3 | `numeric-3-box-multiple-outline` | `switch` | `startProgram.extraRinse3` | | Good Night | `weather-night` | `switch` | `startProgram.goodNight` | | Keep Fresh | `refresh-circle` | `switch` | `startProgram.permanentPressStatus` | | Liquid Detergent Dose | `cup-water` | `sensor` | `startProgram.liquidDetergentDose` | | Main Wash Time | `clock-start` | `number` | `startProgram.mainWashTime` | | Powder Detergent Dose | `cup` | `sensor` | `startProgram.powderDetergentDose` | | Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` | | Remaining Time | `timer` | `sensor` | `startProgram.remainingTime` | | Rinse Iterations | `rotate-right` | `number` | `startProgram.rinseIterations` | | Soak Prewash Selection | `tshirt-crew` | `switch` | `startProgram.haier_SoakPrewashSelection` | | Spin speed | `numeric` | `select` | `startProgram.spinSpeed` | | Steam Level | `weather-dust` | `number` | `startProgram.steamLevel` | | Suggested Load | `weight-kilogram` | `sensor` | `startProgram.suggestedLoadW` | | Suggested weight | `weight-kilogram` | `sensor` | `startProgram.weight` | | Temperature | `thermometer` | `select` | `startProgram.temp` | | Water hard | `water` | `number` | `startProgram.waterHard` | | lang | | `number` | `startProgram.lang` | #### Sensors | Name | Icon | Entity | Key | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Acqua Plus | | `binary_sensor` | `acquaplus` | | Current Electricity Used | `lightning-bolt` | `sensor` | `currentElectricityUsed` | | Current Temperature | `thermometer` | `sensor` | `temp` | | Current Water Used | `water` | `sensor` | `currentWaterUsed` | | Dirt level | `liquid-spot` | `sensor` | `dirtyLevel` | | Door | | `binary_sensor` | `doorStatus` | | Door Lock | | `binary_sensor` | `doorLockStatus` | | Error | `math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` | | Extra Rinse 1 | | `binary_sensor` | `extraRinse1` | | Extra Rinse 2 | | `binary_sensor` | `extraRinse2` | | Extra Rinse 3 | | `binary_sensor` | `extraRinse3` | | Good Night Mode | | `binary_sensor` | `goodNight` | | Machine Status | `information` | `sensor` | `machMode` | | Pre Wash | | `binary_sensor` | `startProgram.prewash` | | Program | `play` | `sensor` | `programName` | | Program Phase | `washing-machine` | `sensor` | `prPhase` | | Remaining Time | `timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` | | Remote Control | `remote` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` | | Spin Speed | `speedometer` | `sensor` | `spinSpeed` | | Total Power | | `sensor` | `totalElectricityUsed` | | Total Wash Cycle | `counter` | `sensor` | `totalWashCycle` | | Total Water | | `sensor` | `totalWaterUsed` |