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"Actieve was 20' + Stoom", "allergy_care": "Allergiezorg", "allergy_care_pro": "Allergy Care Pro", "all_in_one_49": "Alles-in-één 49'.", "all_in_one_59": "Alles-in-één 59'.", "all_in_one_59_steam": "Alles-in-één 59' + Stoom", "autocare": "Automatische verzorging", "autoclean": "Trommelreiniging", "baby_60": "All baby 60 ° C", "care_14": "Rapid care 14'", "care_30": "Rapid care 30'", "care_44": "Rapid Care 44'", "checkup": "Controle", "colour_59": "Gekleurd 59'", "colour_59_steam": "Gekleurd 59' + Stoom", "cottons": "Katoen", "cottons_prewash": "Katoen + voorwas", "cottons_steam": "Katoen + Stoom", "cotton_care_59": "Cotton Care 59 Min", "delicate_59": "Fijne was 59'", "delicate_silk": "Fijne was Zijde 59'", "delicate_silk_steam": "Fijne was Zijde + Stoom", "delicati_59": "Fijne was 59'", "delicati_59_steam": "Fijne was 59'", "drain_spin": "Afpompen en centrifugeren", "easy_iron": "Makkelijk Strijkbaar 39'", "eco_40_60_new_energy_label": "Eco 40-60", "extra_care": "Extra Care", "fitness": "Fitness care", "fitness_care": "Fitness care", "fresh_care": "Opfrisverzorging 59'", "fresh_care_steam": "Fresh Care + Stoom", "handwash_wool": "Handwas en wol 48'", "high_dry": "Katoen drogen", "hqd_20_degrees": "Katoen 20℃", "hqd_allergy": "Allergiezorg", "hqd_autoclean": "Het reinigen van de trommel", "hqd_babycare": "Baby Care", "hqd_checkup": "Controle", "hqd_cottons": "Katoen", "hqd_delicate": "Fijne was 50'", "hqd_delicate_cradle": "Fijne was", "hqd_dry": "Katoen drogen", "hqd_dry_synthetics": "Gemengde vezels drogen", "hqd_duvet": "Dekbed", "hqd_eco_40_60_degrees": "Eco 40-60", "hqd_handwash_wool": "Wol 40'", "hqd_i_refresh": "i-Refresh", "hqd_mix": "Gemengde was", "hqd_quick_15": "Snel 15'", "hqd_quick_wash_57": "Snel wassen 57 min", "hqd_rapid_wash_and_dry": "Wassen en drogen", "hqd_refresh": "Opfrissen", "hqd_rinse": "Spoelen", "hqd_shirts": "Overhemden", "hqd_smart": "Smart A.I.", "hqd_spin": "Centrifugeren", "hqd_sport": "Sport 25'", "hqd_super_fast": "Snel 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"Speciale Pannen (Wokpannen - Roosters & Maxi Pannen)", "iot_wok_grids_maxi_pans_soil": "Speciale Pannen (Wokpannen - Roosters & Maxi Pannen)", "iot_yes_quick_cycle": "Yes Quick", "night": "Zeer stil 55°C", "prewash": "Voorwas", "rapid_20": "Snel 20'", "rapid_24": "Snel 24'", "rapid_29": "Snel 29' 50°C", "rapid_35": "Wash&Dry 35'", "rapid_39": "Snel 39' 60°C", "rapid_49": "Snel 49'", "rapid_59": "Snel 59'", "sanitising": "Ontsmetten", "silence": "Silence", "silent": "Nacht", "silent_care": "Silent Care", "smart_ai": "Smart AI", "smart_ai_pro": "Smart AI Pro", "smart_ai_pro_soil": "Smart AI Pro", "smart_ai_rapid": "Smart AI Rapid", "smart_ai_rapid_soil": "Smart AI Rapid", "smart_ai_soil": "Smart AI", "special": "speciaal", "special_pw_prz": "speciaal", "steam": "Stoom 75°C", "steam_plus": "Stoom Plus 75°C", "total_care": "Total Care 50°C", "ultra_silence": "Zeer stil 55°C", "ultra_silent": "Zeer stil 55°C", "universal": "Universeel 60°C", "universal_plus": "Universeel Plus 70°C", 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"pyrolysis_plus": "Pyrolyse +", "red_meat": "Rood vlees", "red_meat_steam": "Gestoomd rood vlees", "regenerate": "Regenereren", "soft_plus": "Soft+", "super_grill": "Super grill", "tailor_bake": "Tailor bake", "tailor_bake_cata": "Tailor Bake", "tailor_bake_pyro": "Tailor Bake", "vegetables": "Groenten", "vegetables_cata": "Groenten", "vegetables_pyro": "Groenten", "water_discharge": "Afvoer van water", "white_meat": "Wit vlees", "white_meat_steam": "Gestoomd wit vlees" }, "name": "Programma" }, "programs_td": { "state": { "active_dry": "Actief drogen", "allergy_care": "Anti-allergie", "all_in_one": "All in One", "antiallergy": "Anti-allergie", "anti_odours": "Anti geuren", "auto_care": "Automatische verzorging", "baby": "Baby", "bed_quilt": "Dekbed", "care_30": "Verzorging 30'", "care_45": "Verzorging 45'", "care_59": "Verzorging 59'", "coloured": "Gekleurd", "daily_45_min": "DAILY 45'", "daily_perfect_59_min": "DAILY PERFECT 59'", "darks_and_coloured": "Donker & Gekleurd", "delicates": "Fijne was", "duvet": "Dekbed", "eco": "Eco katoen", "ecospeed_cottons": "Ecospeed Katoen", "ecospeed_delicates": "Ecospeed fijne was", "ecospeed_mixed": "Ecospeed Gemengd", "extra_hygiene": "Extra Hygiene", "fitness": "Fitness", "fresh_care": "Opfrisverzorging", "genius": "Genius", "hqd_baby_care": "Baby Care", "hqd_bath_towel": "Handdoeken", "hqd_bed_sheets": "Beddengoed", "hqd_bulky": "Grote artikelen", "hqd_casual": "Casual", "hqd_cold_wind_30": "30 minuten koel briesje", "hqd_cold_wind_timing": "Koude lucht", "hqd_cotton": "Katoen", "hqd_curtain": "Gordijnen", "hqd_delicate": "Fijne was", "hqd_diaper": "Luiers", "hqd_duvet": "Gewatteerde jas met synthetische vezels", "hqd_feather": "Gewatteerde jas met natuurlijke vezels", "hqd_hot_wind_timing": "Warme Knuffel", "hqd_hygienic": "Ontsmetten", "hqd_i_refresh": "I-Refresh", "hqd_i_refresh_pro": "I-Refresh Pro", "hqd_jacket": "Jassen", "hqd_jeans": "Jeans", "hqd_luxury": "Luxury", "hqd_mix": "Gemengde vezels", "hqd_night_dry": "Nachtelijk droogprogramma", "hqd_outdoor": "Outdoor", "hqd_precious_cure": "Precious Cure", "hqd_quick_20": "Quick 20", "hqd_quick_30": "Quick 30", "hqd_quick_dry": "30' automatisch snel drogen", "hqd_quilt": "Quilts", "hqd_refresh": "Opfrissen", "hqd_school_uniform": "Schooluniform", "hqd_shirt": "Overhemden", "hqd_shoes": "Schoenen", "hqd_silk": "Zijde", "hqd_sports": "Sport", "hqd_synthetics": "Synthetische stoffen", "hqd_timer": "Getimed", "hqd_towel": "Handdoeken", "hqd_underwear": "Ondergoed", "hqd_warm_up": "Opwarmen", "hqd_wool": "Wol", "hqd_working_suit": "Werkkleding", "hygiene": "Hygiëne", "iot_checkup": "Controle", "iot_dry_anti_mites": "Anti-mijten", "iot_dry_baby": "Baby", "iot_dry_backpacks": "Rugzakken", "iot_dry_bathrobe": "Badjas", "iot_dry_bed_linen": "Bed Linnen", "iot_dry_bed_quilt": "Dekbed", "iot_dry_cotton": "Katoen", "iot_dry_cuddly_toys": "Knufflels", "iot_dry_curtains": "Gordijnen", "iot_dry_dehumidifier": "Vochtigheidsverwijderaar", "iot_dry_delicates": "Delicate was", "iot_dry_delicate_tablecloths": "Delicate tafelkleden", "iot_dry_denim_jeans": "Denim – Jeans", "iot_dry_down_jacket": "Jacket", "iot_dry_duvet": "Dekbed", "iot_dry_easy_iron_cotton": "Super Gemakkelijk strijken", "iot_dry_easy_iron_synthetics": "Synthetische stoffen gemakkelijk strijken", "iot_dry_gym_fit": "Gym fit - Fitness", "iot_dry_lingerie": "Lingerie", "iot_dry_mixed": "Gemengde vezels", "iot_dry_pet_accessories": "Accessoires voor dieren", "iot_dry_pet_hair_removal": "Verwijdering huisdierharen (voorwas)", "iot_dry_playsuits": "Jumpsuits", "iot_dry_rapid_30": "Rapid 30", "iot_dry_rapid_59": "Snel 59'", "iot_dry_refresh": "Opfrissen", "iot_dry_regenerates_waterproof": "Regenereert Waterproof", "iot_dry_relax_creases": "Ontkreuken", "iot_dry_shirts": "Overhemden", "iot_dry_small_load": "Kleine lading", "iot_dry_swimsuits_and_bikinis": "Badkleding", "iot_dry_synthetics": "Synthetisch", "iot_dry_synthetic_dry": "Synthetische stoffen drogen", "iot_dry_tablecloths": "Tafelkleden", "iot_dry_technical_fabrics": "Technische Vezels", "iot_dry_warm_embrace": "Warme Knuffel", "iot_dry_wool": "Wol", "jeans": "Jeans", "mix_and_dry": "Gemengd&Droog", "pets": "Huisdieren", "pre_iron": "Gemakkelijk strijken", "rapid_30": "Rapid 30", "rapid_45": "Snel 45 min", "rapid_59": "Perfect Rapid 59 Min", "refresh": "Opfrissen", "relax_creases": "Ontkreuken", "saving_30_min": "ECO 30'", "shirts": "Overhemden", "shoes": "Schoenen", "small_load": "Kleine lading", "soft_care": "Zachte verzorging", "sport_plus": "Sports", "super_easy_iron_misti": "Super eenvoudig strijken gemengd", "super_easy_iron_xxl": "Super eenvoudig strijken XXL", "super_fast_cottons": "Super Snel Katoen", "super_fast_delicates": "Super Snel Delicaat", "synthetics": "Synthetisch", "total_care": "Total Care", "trainers": "Trainers", "ultra_care": "Ultra Care", "waterproof_revitalize": "Waterproof Revitaliseren", "whites": "Witte was", "wool": "Droge Wol", "woolmark": "Wol", "xxl_load": "XXL Lading", "zoom_59": "Zoom 59" }, "name": "Programma" }, "programs_wm": { "state": { "20_degrees_coloured_cottons": "20° gekleurd en katoen", "20_degrees_new_energy_label": "20 °C", "active_steam": "Stoom 29'", "active_wash": "Actieve was 20'", "active_wash_steam": "Actieve was 20' + Stoom", "allergy_care": "Allergiezorg", "allergy_care_pro": "Allergy Care Pro", "all_in_one_49": "Alles-in-één 49'.", "all_in_one_59": "Alles-in-één 59'.", "all_in_one_59_steam": "Alles-in-één 59' + Stoom", "autocare": "Automatische verzorging", "autoclean": "Trommelreiniging", "baby_60": "All baby 60 ° C", "care_14": "Rapid care 14'", "care_30": "Rapid care 30'", "care_44": "Rapid Care 44'", "checkup": "Controle", "colour_59": "Gekleurd 59'", "colour_59_steam": "Gekleurd 59' + Stoom", "cottons": "Katoen", "cottons_prewash": "Katoen + voorwas", "cottons_steam": "Katoen + Stoom", "cotton_care_59": "Cotton Care 59 Min", "delicate_59": "Fijne was 59'", "delicate_silk": "Fijne was Zijde 59'", "delicate_silk_steam": "Fijne was Zijde + Stoom", "delicati_59": "Fijne was 59'", "delicati_59_steam": "Fijne was 59'", "drain_spin": "Afpompen en centrifugeren", "easy_iron": "Makkelijk Strijkbaar 39'", "eco_40_60_new_energy_label": "Eco 40-60", "extra_care": "Extra Care", "fitness": "Fitness care", "fitness_care": "Fitness care", "fresh_care": "Opfrisverzorging 59'", "fresh_care_steam": "Fresh Care + Stoom", "handwash_wool": "Handwas en wol 48'", "high_dry": "Katoen drogen", "hqd_20_degrees": "Katoen 20℃", "hqd_allergy": "Allergiezorg", "hqd_autoclean": "Het reinigen van de trommel", "hqd_babycare": "Baby Care", "hqd_checkup": "Controle", "hqd_cottons": "Katoen", "hqd_delicate": "Fijne was 50'", "hqd_delicate_cradle": "Fijne was", "hqd_dry": "Katoen drogen", "hqd_dry_synthetics": "Gemengde vezels drogen", "hqd_duvet": "Dekbed", "hqd_eco_40_60_degrees": "Eco 40-60", "hqd_handwash_wool": "Wol 40'", "hqd_i_refresh": "i-Refresh", "hqd_mix": "Gemengde was", "hqd_quick_15": "Snel 15'", "hqd_quick_wash_57": "Snel wassen 57 min", "hqd_rapid_wash_and_dry": "Wassen en drogen", "hqd_refresh": "Opfrissen", "hqd_rinse": "Spoelen", "hqd_shirts": "Overhemden", "hqd_smart": "Smart A.I.", "hqd_spin": "Centrifugeren", "hqd_sport": "Sport 25'", "hqd_super_fast": "Snel 39'", "hqd_synthetic_and_coloured": "Synthetische stoffen", "hygiene_59": "Hygiene Plus 59'", "hygiene_60": "Hygiëne 60 °C", "hygiene_plus_59": "Hygiene Plus 59'", "hygiene_plus_59_min": "Hygiene Plus 59'", "hygiene_pro_49_min": "Hygiene Pro 49 min", "hygiene_pro_steam": "Hygiene Pro + stoom", "intensive_40": "Intensief 40°C", "intensive_40_steam": "Intensief 40°C + Stoom", "iot_active_steam": "Stoom 29'", "iot_active_wash_steam": "Actieve was 20' + Stoom", "iot_allergy_care_pro": "Allergy Care Pro", "iot_all_in_one_59_steam": "Alles-in-één 59' + Stoom", "iot_checkup": "Controle", "iot_colour_59_steam": "Gekleurd 59' + Stoom", "iot_cottons_steam": "Katoen + Stoom", "iot_delicate_silk_steam": "Fijne was Zijde + 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"iot_dry_synthetics": "Synthetische stoffen drogen", "iot_dry_synthetic_dry": "Synthetische stoffen drogen", "iot_dry_tablecloths": "Tafellakens", "iot_dry_technical_fabrics": "Technische stoffen", "iot_dry_warm_embrace": "Warm drogen", "iot_dry_wool_dry": "Wol drogen", "iot_easy_iron": "Makkelijk Strijkbaar 39'", "iot_fresh_care_steam": "Fresh Care + Stoom", "iot_hygiene_pro_steam": "Hygiene Pro + stoom", "iot_intensive_40_steam": "Intensief 40°C + Stoom", "iot_jeans_60_steam": "Jeans + Steam", "iot_mixed_steam": "Gemengde vezels + Stoom", "iot_mix_and_colour_59_steam": "Gemengd en Gekleurd 59' + Stoom", "iot_perfect_cotton_59_steam": "Perfecte Katoen 59'", "iot_rapid_a_class_60_steam": "Snel klasse A 60 + Stoom", "iot_resistant_cotton_steam": "Katoen + Stoom", "iot_shirts_steam": "Shirts + stoom", "iot_single_item_steam": "Eén artikel 20' + Stoom", "iot_smart_wash": "Smart Wash", "iot_soft_care_steam": "Soft Care + Steam", "iot_special_39_full_load_steam": "Speciaal 39' + Stoom", "iot_steam_hygiene_plus": "Hygiëne Plus Stoom", "iot_synthetic_and_coloured_steam": "Synthetisch en gekleurd + Stoom", "iot_wash_and_dry": "Wassen en drogen", "iot_wash_anti_mites": "Antimijt", "iot_wash_anti_odor": "Antigeur", "iot_wash_ariel_clean_cycle": "Ariel Ultimate Clean", "iot_wash_ariel_cold_cycle": "Ariel Cold Clean", "iot_wash_ariel_fresh_cycle": "Ariel Fresh Clean", "iot_wash_baby_sanitizer": "Ontsmettend", "iot_wash_baby_sanitizer_steam": "Baby Sanitiser + Stoom", "iot_wash_backpacks": "Rugzakken", "iot_wash_backpacks_zelig": "Rugzakken", "iot_wash_bathrobe": "Badjassen en handdoeken", "iot_wash_bathrobe_steam": "Badjas + Stoom", "iot_wash_bed_linen": "Beddengoed", "iot_wash_bed_linen_steam": "Beddengoed + Stoom", "iot_wash_bed_linen_zelig": "Beddengoed", "iot_wash_big_single_load": "Grote enkele lading", "iot_wash_bleaching": "Bleken", "iot_wash_blood_stains": "Bloedvlekken", "iot_wash_cashmere": "Kasjmier", "iot_wash_chocolate_stains": "Chocoladevlekken", "iot_wash_cold_wash": "Koude was", "iot_wash_colored": "Bonte was", "iot_wash_colored_anti_stain": "Vlekverwijdering voor bonte was", "iot_wash_colored_delicate": "Fijne bonte was", "iot_wash_coloured": "Bonte was", "iot_wash_coloured_bed_linen": "Gekleurd beddengoed", "iot_wash_coloured_bed_linen_steam": "Gekleurd beddengoed + Stoom", "iot_wash_coloured_curtains": "Gekleurde gordijnen", "iot_wash_coloured_shirts": "Gekleurde overhemden 59'", "iot_wash_coloured_shirts_steam": "Gekleurde Shirts + Stoom", "iot_wash_coloured_steam": "Bonte was + Stoom", "iot_wash_coloured_tableclothes": "Gekleurde tafelkleden", "iot_wash_coloured_tableclothes_steam": "Gekleurde tafelkleden + Stoom", "iot_wash_cotton": "Katoen", "iot_wash_cotton_steam": "Katoen + Stoom", "iot_wash_cuddly_toys": "Knuffeldieren", "iot_wash_curtains": "Gordijnen", "iot_wash_curtains_steam": "Gordijnen+Stoom", "iot_wash_curtains_zelig": "Gordijnen", "iot_wash_dark": "Donkere kleding", "iot_wash_darks_and_coloured_44": "Donkere 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