from contextlib import asynccontextmanager import aiohttp from pyhon import const from pyhon.connection.auth import HonAuth, _LOGGER from pyhon.connection.device import HonDevice class HonBaseConnectionHandler: _HEADERS = {"user-agent": const.USER_AGENT, "Content-Type": "application/json"} def __init__(self): self._session = None self._auth = None async def __aenter__(self): await self.create() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close() async def create(self): self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=self._HEADERS) @asynccontextmanager async def get(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented @asynccontextmanager async def post(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented async def close(self): await self._session.close() class HonConnectionHandler(HonBaseConnectionHandler): def __init__(self, email, password): super().__init__() self._device = HonDevice() self._email = email self._password = password if not self._email: raise PermissionError("Login-Error - An email address must be specified") if not self._password: raise PermissionError("Login-Error - A password address must be specified") self._request_headers = {} @property def device(self): return self._device async def create(self): await super().create() self._auth = HonAuth(self._session, self._email, self._password, self._device) async def _check_headers(self, headers): if "cognito-token" not in self._request_headers or "id-token" not in self._request_headers: if await self._auth.authorize(): self._request_headers["cognito-token"] = self._auth.cognito_token self._request_headers["id-token"] = self._auth.id_token else: raise PermissionError("Can't Login") return {h: v for h, v in self._request_headers.items() if h not in headers} @asynccontextmanager async def _intercept(self, method, *args, loop=0, **kwargs): kwargs["headers"] = await self._check_headers(kwargs.get("headers", {})) async with method(*args, **kwargs) as response: if response.status == 403 and not loop:"Try refreshing token...") await self._auth.refresh() yield await self._intercept(method, *args, loop=loop + 1, **kwargs) elif response.status == 403 and loop < 2: _LOGGER.warning("%s - Error %s - %s", response.request_info.url, response.status, await response.text()) await self.create() yield await self._intercept(method, *args, loop=loop + 1, **kwargs) elif loop >= 2: _LOGGER.error("%s - Error %s - %s", response.request_info.url, response.status, await response.text()) raise PermissionError("Login failure") else: yield response @asynccontextmanager async def get(self, *args, **kwargs): async with self._intercept(self._session.get, *args, **kwargs) as response: yield response @asynccontextmanager async def post(self, *args, **kwargs): async with self._intercept(, *args, **kwargs) as response: yield response class HonAnonymousConnectionHandler(HonBaseConnectionHandler): _HEADERS = HonBaseConnectionHandler._HEADERS | {"x-api-key": const.API_KEY} @asynccontextmanager async def get(self, *args, **kwargs): async with*args, **kwargs) as response: yield response @asynccontextmanager async def post(self, *args, **kwargs): async with*args, **kwargs) as response: yield response